Sunday, May 16, 2010

my scottish origin.


  1. I have yet to see a village in scotland that has cooler welcome signs than killearn. They have 2 of them as well. I think it is because killearn was my first home here that I still feel like I am going home and full of peace and good feelings when we go to that area.

    I picked up another piano student this past week, so now there are 2! I am really excited and hope I can keep picking up a couple more. This may sound like a small thing, but to me it makes a big differences. We bought some pillows and a plant from ikea yesterday that I love. We never buy anything here unless we have to because I feel like it is such a waste. But is not if it makes our flat more lovely and helps us to feel settled here while we are living here. They make me happy.

    thanks for all the switzerland info!I sent you an email back about it.

  2. The first thing I thought when I saw this picture was how cool the lettering is. I love signs. The older, the better. They make for good photos too.

    That's great that you found another student. The Lord will provide if we just have faith and the courage to act. I feel really blessed this month. One of the families in our ward are auctioneers. The past few weeks they've been liquidating a plant nursery. We got about $500 worth of plants for less than $100. I'm so excited to make our yard more beautiful. I didn't know how we would be able to do it, but the Lord has blessed us so we can.

    It's nice to have places you can call home. It is in our nature to need that. It's been interesting this year seeing my brother, uncle, and cousin who were "black sheeps" of the family, coming home and reconnecting with the family. We all need that.

    Anyhow, I got your email about Switzerland. I'll respond to it in just a bit...
