Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jesse Carter


  1. Ok, I'm doing something a little bit different for these two posts. I don't have any new Diana Pictures right now so instead I wanted to post a couple of family photos. You should go check out Noelles photo albums on facebook. She's been busy scanning in a bunch of family photos. It has been really fun to look at them. This is a photo of my Great Grandma Jesse Carter. She is my moms, moms, mom. I absolutely LOVE this photo. I just think she is so beautiful! I'm gonna print it out along with some other family portraits to create a cool photo collage on our wall. I have a bunch of really cool old frames I've been wanting to hang, but didn't really know what to put in them. I think this will be the perfect way to use them. I'll have to take a picture of the final thing when it's done.

  2. i think all of these pictures are amazing!!! good for noelle for scanning them all. what an amazing photo! I would love to do something like that one day, have old old family photos up in a cool display, my grandma hague has that of sorts in her guest room and I have always wanted to do one as well. very cool. please do take a picture of the final result. I would love to see it. gosh i love family history.

  3. Yeah I am pretty amazing, aren't I? :)
