Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Christy Kremer


  1. This is a photo of my mom when she was a baby. I love it! She was a really cute kid. I just love old photos in general, but when they are of your own family, it makes it that much more cooler.

    Hopefully by next week I'll have some more Diana Photos to post. It's just been sort of a lull in the photo taking aspect of life. I need to get back into it. I really hope to go fishing this weekend with my dad. That will make for a good photo op. I know for sure that we are going to a baseball game on Monday, so that will be fun.

  2. your mom was adorable. as i was looking through all of the pictures that noelle put on facebook i was think what a good looking family you come from.

    i am running out of holgas to post and am out of film as well, so i may be facing the same problem as you quite soon.
