Monday, April 19, 2010

dana point grand prix


  1. This was the first real bike race I've ever seen live. It was really cool! I love biking and would love to try racing, but I don't know if I'm aggressive enough for this kind of racing. The bikes are so close together. There was a huge crash just one lap before the finish. It was pretty intense.

    Anyhow, in other news, I started my new calling as primary chorister yesterday. I think I am really going to love this calling. It will be a lot of work, but I think I'm ready for it.

    It is also starting to finally feel like spring here too (although, it is supposed to be rainy the rest of the week so it won't last long). I'm trying to get stuff done in the yard today. Hopefully we'll be able to do lot's of stuff to the yard this year. I'm really excited to just be outside again.

  2. amazing! I have never seen a bike race. It would scare me to ride so fast and furiously.

    you will do great as primary chorister. what a fun calling! you are right though, I am sure it will be a load of work, but a good challenge to get creative and crafty.
