Monday, January 25, 2010

...a new leaf

1 comment:

  1. I like how this one turned out. I'll definitely be taking some more photos like this when the leaves return. Can you believe that you've been married for a year?! I can't! Congrats! Sounds like you'll have some fun for your anniversary. Sage and I have always made it a priority to do something special for our anniversary (it's even more important to do when you start having kids). I'm glad you are learning and growing through your Scotland experience. I know that I've taken for granted all the temples around me for too long now. I'm really looking forward to attending regularly this year. I have even thought about serving in the temple, but we'll see how my schedule shapes up first. It is definitely a goal to do that some time in my life.

    I got photos of most of my shirts this weekend, so I'm that much closer to getting stuff online. I'll be focusing on that stuff tomorrow. I've also been working out everyday for the last week (well Mon-Fri), and it has felt great. Just another thing I hope I can stick with.
