Sunday, February 21, 2010

top hat


  1. it was such a grey, grey day in the city when I took this picture, I am glad it turned out. This is a statue in front of the Glasgow city chambers, which is also in the photo, in George Square in the city. I like the top hat the best.

    good news! I am going to start that photography course in april. I am excited to learn some basics and then go forward from there and I am really excited to be a learning/school setting again. I miss school so much and sometimes it is so hard for me to not be able to go now and finish my degree. I am just getting a different sort of education right now.

    I was asked tonight to speak at stake conference next sunday. yikes! all of the sudden my thoughts are intensely turned to the theme which is service.

    i like your new profile picture on facebook. you are a cute family, you turks!

  2. Another great shot! I love the top hat too, and the angle of shot. I almost forgot that this is in B&W too. Very cool.

    Wow! Stake Conference! How scary and exciting! I know you will come up with something awesome. I'll keep you in my prayers as well (just for an extra boost).

    Good luck with the photo class too. I hope you can find other ways to keep learning and growing. My mom is finally going back to school (I can't remember if I already told you that). Anyhow she is loving it, and said that she feels like this is the right time for her to be doing it. She didn't think she would have appreciated it as much when she was younger with kids. Anyhow, just remember that life works out and when you look back you realize how it all worked out for the best.

    Take care!
