Monday, December 28, 2009

on the bonnie banks


  1. merry christmas!!! i hope it was magic!!!
    how was it? did maebe love it?
    this was such a nice peaceful fall day at loch lomond. and this christmas was so nice and peaceful. i am just sad the weekend is over. i do not have to go back to work until next week, but euan is working every day this week( weekends too)and so it feels like the good relaxing and hanging out has been halted a bit.
    we spent christmas morning here and then went to church for an hour and then off to euan's parents. it was a white christmas and so much fun. i am so glad for the time that we have here now to be with euan's family. it is so good.

    hope you are well.
    i am considering taking a photography course...
    we shall see.

  2. Another lovely photo! I feel like I really missed the train on taking photos with Diana over the holiday. This shot is inspiring me to get back on the horse and get back to taking photos. That stinks that Euan had to work. Sage was lucky enough to have some time off. He spent a lot of down time playing video games while I read books. It's been really nice, hopefully Euan will get a little bit of a break in there somewhere. I'm glad that you are getting to spend time with Euans family too. I really enjoy my time with Sage's mom and siblings. So are you still just nannying? Where would you take your photography class from? We had a wonderful white Christmas too.

  3. I am still just nannying. And it is all falling through more and more. Less hours, cancelling on me. I am meant to be working full time and in the past 3 weeks I have only worked 15 hours. No good. I am desperate to find another job. I am also done with taking care of other people's kids. I would rather make efforts to finish my degree or have kids of my own. And i always feel like it is a shame to be wasting my love of people with special needs. We shall see what happens. I am hoping something does soon.

    There is a school call the MET ( glasgow metropolitan college) and they do community school type classes and so I will hopefully take a basic photography course this semester!
